Claims Handling
As independent advisors we do not have to compromise our integrity or advice. We are unique in our claims resolution experience in world markets including Lloyd’s, Bermuda, Europe and Canada.
Marchel Risk Consulting can help you and your company, counsel, or broker:
- Review and analyze insurance policy
- Review demand letter or lawsuit
- Help you prepare and present a claim
- Review reservation or rights letter or declination by an insurance carrier
- Help you develop the best arguments to present to insurance carrier
Marchel Risk Consulting can assist an insurance company, agency or brokerage:
- Review and analyze current claims management practices
- Develop and help put in place best practices for claims management
- Develop best practices to reduce Errors & Omissions claims
We bring professionalism to the insurance and legal industry. We have earned our reputation through the delivery of crafted solutions to our client's unique circumstances. Call Marchel & Associates Risk Consulting to see what we can do for you.
Risk Consultant
Getting The Most Out of Your Insurance With The Least Amount Of Pain

Leverage the breadth and depth of our education, experience and vision to deliver solutions to you.