Continuing Education
The following programs have been approved for Continuing Education (CE) credits by the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
Seminar Topics
The following programs have been approved for Continuing Education (CE) credits by the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Unlike many CE providers we do not follow a one size fits all approach. In fact, the courses we offer are tailored specifically for each audience. Each course is updated for recent case law and legislative action.
Agents & Brokers Liability – 2 hours (1 hour ethics)
Education Objective: To learn the anatomy of Agents and Brokers liability. Attendees will learn about current claims and how to prevent them. Claims reporting, and mitigation of damages and preparing a defense are additional topics covered in this seminar. Ethical issues arising from confidentiality, conflict of interest and working with carriers will also be discussed.
Employment Liability 101 – 1 hour
Educational Objective: To learn about the most recent coverage cases in employment liability and how gaps can be covered. In addition, the latest employment regulatory challenges will be discussed. Terms and Conditions will be reviewed as well as recent developments in employment liability insuring agreements.
Management Liability 101 – 1 hour
Educational Objective: To learn about the most recent coverage cases in management liability and how gaps can be covered. Public, Private and Non-profit organizations each present their own challenges when evaluating risks and the proper placement of coverage. Terms and Conditions will be reviewed as well as recent developments in management liability insuring agreements.
Cyber Liability 101 – 1 hour
Educational Objective: To learn about the most recent claims and coverage cases in first and third party claims. Where cyber liability fits into the insured’s risk mitigation portfolio will be discussed. Terms and Conditions will be reviewed as well as recent developments in cyber liability insuring agreements.
Dispute Resolution 101 – 1 hour
Educational Objective: Most insurance policies refer to some form of dispute resolution. This seminar will cover the basic dispute resolution forums with attendees. Negotiation, mediation, arbitration, settlement conference, trial and appeals will be discussed. The location of these forums in a typical professional or management liability insuring agreements will be evaluated and discussed.
Claims Handling 101 for Producers 1 hour
Educational Objective: To learn about the differences between duty to defend and duty to indemnify. To discuss ways that producers can assist insured’s in making a successful and what to expect in the claims process. Terms and Conditions will be reviewed as well as recent developments in coverage litigation.
Fiduciary Liability 101 – 1 hour
Educational Objective: To learn about the most recent coverage cases in fiduciary liability and how gaps can be covered. Fiduciary liability policies are not the same as a bond for ERISA purposes. Terms and Conditions will be reviewed as well as recent developments in fiduciary liability insuring agreements.
The courses we offer are tailored specifically for each audience we teach. Please see our speaking engagements to view our track record.
Risk Consultant
Each Course Is Updated For Recent Case Law And Legislative Action.

Leverage the breadth and depth of our education, experience and vision to deliver solutions to you.